Events & Calendar

Summer school orthogonal polynomials and special functions
Jun 25, 2018 to Jun 29, 2018

Location : Higher school of science and technology, Sousse

The OPSF-S8 program consists of one-week summer school for graduate students and early  career  researchers  to be held in june 2018, at the Higher  School  of  Sciences  and Technology (HSST), Sousse University, Tunisia. It will focus on orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and feature lectures delivred by top researchers in their fields.

Details in

The courses will take place in HSST Amphi Mohamed Salah Belkheria

Organizing Commitee:
Hamza Chaggara, Frej Chouchene, Imed Lamiri, Neila Ben Romdhane, Mohamed Gaied

Scientific Commitee:
Hamza Chaggara, Frej Chouchene, Imed Lamiri, Neila Ben Romdhane, Mohamed Gaied


Jiang Zeng
Claude Bernard University, France

Wolfram Koepf
Kassel University, Germany

Walter Van Assche
Leuven University, Belgium

Youssef Ben Cheikh
Monastir University, Tunisia

Erik Koelink
Radboud University, The Netherlands

Mama Foupouagnigni
University of Yaounde I and AIMS Camroun.

For Details refer to

List of participants to this conference
Jun 25, 2018 to Jun 29, 2018

No participants